Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Christmas Photo....

Those of you with more than one child know how enjoyable it can be to take a family photo with all of the kids looking at the same time.  Let me tell you, the level of fun just increases with each child added. 
First things first, everyone's hair is brushed and clothes are on (two years ago a certain little guy had his legs cropped out of the Christmas picture because his pants had gone missing by the time I got a photo with everyone looking at the camera).  Ok, outside means shoes and socks too.  Four sets go on, Graham's come off.  Graham's back on, 2 more on, go to get baby's socks.  Baby's socks on, Graham's are off.  Not only off, but missing.  Well, we have one shoe, but the socks and other shoe are missing.  Find another pair of socks and grab a different pair of shoes.  We are finally all ready to head outside which means of course someone has a dirty diaper!
"OK, everyone look at the camera!"
"Stop swinging your legs please!  Look at the camera!"
"Bennett, sit down please!"
 "Almost done Brie."
"Mom, my cheeks hurt from smiling too much."
"Ben, no growling please!"
"Ok, this will be fun.  Ben and Josie just lean a little bit to the side."
"Is everyone looking?  Good!"