Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Graham's surgery went perfect this morning.  He has been his normal, happy self all afternoon.  Thank you everyone for your prayers!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Prayers Please

After testing Graham's hearing a couple of times we discovered that he has fluid behind his ear drums that are not allowing them to vibrate at all.  He is making a lot of progress with speech (he put two words together, without prompting, for the first time last week!!!), but we have decided that trying ear tubes might help even more. 
His surgery is tomorrow morning.  Please pray that everything goes quickly and easily as planned, for a fast recovery, and that this will get him communicating even more with us.

Zucchini Bread Surprise!

Last week one of the girls decided to make some zucchini bread for us.  She loves to cook and spends a lot of time in the kitchen, so I told her to go ahead and make some.  She did everything on her own, mixed the ingredients, poured it in the bread pan, and popped it in the oven.  The only thing I did was take it out of the oven when the timer went off (by this time she was off playing outside).  When I removed the bread from the pan this is what I found.

I'm so glad God provides us with a little giggle every now and again.  And very thankful for three daughters that are turning into wonderful cooks (much better than their mom!). 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Why is it that 3 year olds are always the ones saying the funniest things?
Yesterday we were in our woods looking for deer antler sheds.  We didn't find any, but we followed quite a few deer trails and saw LOTS of evidence that deer were indeed around. 
As Ben and I were walking together he turned and looked at me and said, "Mommy, deer poopy looks like Jelly Beans."
Thank you Ben for making me never want to eat a Jelly Bean again.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Brielle's Birthday

Brielle's birthday is just 4 days after her little sister's birthday.
Brie is our kind hearted, compassionate child.  She is always looking out for those with less than her.  She prays every day for children in other countries that do not have food to eat.  The candy her sisters bought her for her birthday was gone in a day because she immediately passed it all out to share with her siblings. 

Currently Brie's favorite thing to play with is her doll.  She got "Sally" for Christmas and adores her.  Laina and Abby had a lot of fun making birthday gifts for Brie and Sally.  With daddy's help they built a bed, couch, and a counter with a sink in it for Sally.  They also sewed some skirts and made a crown for her. 

Brie likes any make believe, imaginative play.  She loves playing doctor and school.  She also loves playing Sorry, Blockus, Uno, and War.

Brielle has learned to read this year and is looking forward to 1st grade next year.  She loves practicing her math and reading on the iPad. 
We do one huge "un-birthday" party in the summer for all of the kids to invite their friends to.  On actual birthdays we just celebrate at home.  Brie asked for chicken tacos for dinner and a horse cake.  We also bring the birthday child out on a date with just mommy and daddy.  Since Graham came home we have been splitting it up into two dates, one with daddy and one with mommy until we are ready to use a baby sitter again.  Brielle brought daddy out to Pizza Ranch last week and Mommy out to KFC this week.  
Happy 6th Birthday Brielle!!!

Monday, April 1, 2013


Sunday we were celebrating Easter with Brett's family.  Brielle's birthday is in just a few days so Grandpa was asking her how old she was going to be.  When she told him six he said, "wow, you're getting old!"
Without missing a beat, Ben looked at Grandpa and said, "You're getting old too."